Wednesday, November 11, 2009

True Rating of the Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Which breeds are the most dangerous?

Which ones bite without warning, or can just snap? Which ones are likely to attack unprovoked, or take up a pack mentality? Which breeds have unstable temperaments, and just can't be trusted?

Quick - which breeds come to mind? Are you thinking Pitbulls, Presas, JRT's, Rottweilers? Dobermans or Chows? German Shepherds or Akitas?

Wrong! In fact, really wrong. In fact, if you will look at the stories behind those cases, you will see truth and root of the most dangerous shadows behind.

Contrary to popular belief, these breeds are not the most dangerous. In fact, not a single animal welfare organization on the planet will give you a list of dangerous breeds.

The absolute, number one factor that determines whether or not a dog will become dangerous is............... ownership (absolutely!).

And in compiling this list of dangerous breeds, you'll note they all share one trait in common - they are all human.

That's right, your neighbor, that breeder, that businessman or sometimes ourselves - humans are most responsible for dangerous dogs. Humans are responsible for creating the circumstances and behavior that lead to dog bites or maulings.

continued to list of Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds..

Dog Politics

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